작성일 : 20-08-31 15:53
글쓴이 :
조회 : 763
Tribology at Some Non-Profit Organizations
Tribology at Government Sites
Tribology at Some University and Academic Sites
- Cambridge University, UK
Research in Tribology Tribology Group
- Cleveland State University
Welcome to the Tribology World
- College of Petroleum and Energy Studies
CPS Home Page
- Colorado School of Mines
Advanced Coating and Surface Engineering Laboratory (ACSEL)
- Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systemes
- Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zurich
Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology LSST Tribology and Surface Forces
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Imperial College, London
ME Tribology Section Tribology Research Review 1992-1994 Tribology Research Review 1995-1997
- Indian Institute of Science
Tribology & Contact Mechanics Lab
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, France
Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts
- Iowa State University
Tribology Laboratory
- Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
Shamban Tribology Laboratory
- Kanazawa University, Japan
Tribology Lab Home Page
- Kyushu University, Japan
Departments of Mechanical Engineering
- Lulea Technical University, Sweden
Division of Machine Elements Home Page
- Michigan Technological University
Cutting Fluid Evaluation Software Testbed Cutting Fluid Primer Page Tutorial on Cutting Fluids in Machining
- Niigata University, Japan
Tribology Lab Home Page
- Northwestern University
Center for Surface Engineering and Tribology
- Ohio State University
Gear Dynamics and Gear Noise Research Laboratory Homepage Computer Microtribology and Contamination Laboratory
- Pennsylvania State University
Tribology Research
- Purdue University
Materials Processing and Tribology Research Group Mechanical Engineering Tribology Web Site
- Saitama University, Japan
Home Page of Machine Element Lab.
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Center for Advanced Friction Studies
- State University of New York, Binghamton
Mechanical Engineering Labs
- Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
Laboratory for Tribology
- Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
Scherge Microtribology Group
- Technical University of Munich, Germany
Gear Research Center - Institute for Machine Elements
- Texas Tech University
- Tohoku University, Japan
Tribology Laboratory The World of Tribology
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Nakahara Lab. Home Page Intl. Tribology Conf. Yokohama 1995
- Trinity College, Dublin
Tribology and Surface Engineering
- Universite de Poitiers, France
Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides
- University of Akron
Tribology Laboratory
- University of Applied Sciences (FH-Hamburg), Germany
Department of Mechanical Engineering Tribology Website
- University of California, Berkeley
Bogey's Tribology Group
- University of California, San Diego
Center for Magnetic Recording Research Talke Group Home Page
- University of Florida
Adair Research Group
- University of Gent, Belgium
Tribology Home Page Tribology Research
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tribology Lab
- University of Leeds, UK
Research in Tribology M.Sc. (Eng.) Course in Surface Engineering and Tribology
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Centre for Tribology and Technical Diagnostics
- University of Maine
Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology (LASST)
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Ceramics Tribology Research Group
- University of Notre Dame
Tribology/Manufacturing Laboratory
- University of Pittsburgh
Tribology Lab
- University of Sheffield, UK
Tribology Research Group
- University of Twente, Netherlands
Tribology Group
- University of Western Australia
Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering Tribology Laboratory
- University of Western Ontario, Canada
Tribology Research Centre
- University of Windsor, Canada
Wear of Materials (Tribology) Research Group
- Uppsala University, Sweden
Tribology Group
- Western Michigan University
Tribology Laboratory
Some Independent Oil Analysis and Tribology Labs
Some Manufacturers of Oil Analysis Supplies and Equipment
- Akzo Nobel Inc.
- Anglo-Euro Scientific
- Ashland Chemical
- Cambridge Applied Systems
- CETR: Center for Tribology, Inc.
- Computational Systems, Inc.
- Danish Technological Institute (DTI) Tribology Centre
- Des-Case Corporation
- Dexsil Corporation
- Diamond Technologies
- Dingo Maintenance Systems
- Entek Enlab
- Falex Corporation
- Falex Tribology NV
- FEV Engine Technology, Inc.
- F.L.A.G. (Fuel, Lubricant and Grease) Recruiting
- Fluid Systems Partners US, Inc.
- Fluitec International
- Global Technovations, Inc.
- HEF, France
- Hydraulic Repair & Design, Inc.
- Hysitron Incorporated: Nanomechanics
- ICIS-LOR Base Oils Pricing Information
- Infineum
- K.C. Engineering, Ltd.
- Kittiwake Developments Limited
- Kline & Co., Inc.: Consultancy
- LEO: JetScan - Engine Health Monitor
- Lubriquip
- Manor Technology
- Micro Photonics Inc.
- Midac Corporation: Extreme FTIR
- Neale Consulting Engineers Limited
- Oil Sampling Technologies
- OMICRON Vakuumphysik GmbH:
Instruments for Surface Science
- PdMA Corporation
- Petrolab Company
- Plint and Partners: Tribology Division
- PREDICT/DLI - Innovative Predictive Maintenance
- Predictive Maintenace Corporation
- RohMax
- Schematic Approach Inc.
- Spectro Inc. Industrial Tribology Systems
- TA Instruments - Thermal Analysis
- Tannis Co.
- Tribology Consultant
- TTi's Home Page
- Wedeven Associates, Inc.
Some Industrial and Automotive Lubricant Manufacturers